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Family Sponsorship for International Students in Canada

study in canada family sponsorship for international students

Family Sponsorship :

As an international student in Canada, you can enjoy numerous advantages. One of which is the opportunity to bring your family along with you while you pursue your studies. This includes your spouse, common-law partner, and dependent children who may also be eligible for a Canadian work permit or study permit.

To discover more about the possibility of bringing your family with you to Canada while you study, continue reading.

Can I bring my spouse or common-law partner to Canada while I study?

International students studying in Canada can bring their spouses, common-law partners, and dependent children with them while they study. Immigration Canada acknowledges the difficulties that families face when separated, even for a short period, and therefore allows Family Sponsorship for international students to bring their families to Canada while they study.

Spouses or common-law partners of international students can apply for an open work permit while in Canada. They can work full- or part-time for any employer in Canada without requiring a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) while their partner is studying. If the student is granted a post-graduate work permit after completing their studies, their spouse or partner can renew their open work permit for the same duration as the student’s post-graduate work permit. To be eligible for an open work permit, the student must work in an NOC skill level 0, A, or B at the time the application decision is made.

Can I bring my kids while studying in Canada?

Parents applying to study in Canada can include their dependent children in their study permit application. Additionally, they may also be eligible to apply for Family Sponsorship to sponsor their spouse for permanent residence in Canada. In Canadian terms, a dependent child is any child under the age of 22, or over the age of 22 who has depended substantially on their parents for financial support since before the age of 22 and is unable to be financially self-supporting because of a mental or physical condition. If the study permit is approved with accompanying children, they will be issued a visa authorizing their stay in Canada for the same duration as the parent’s permit.

Through Family Sponsorship, parents can be assured that their dependent children under the age of 18 who are in Canada are allowed to attend Canadian elementary and secondary schools, and the majority of them are public, meaning that there is no cost to attend. Canada is also known for its high-quality education system, so parents can be confident that their children will receive a top-notch education.

Canadian school system

By law, all children in Canada are required to attend school, including the children of parents who are in the country temporarily to work or study. Canada has an exceptional education system, so children can greatly benefit from attending a Canadian institution.

The Canadian school system for children typically begins with elementary school and progresses to high school, which is sometimes referred to as secondary school. The system is made up of twelve grades, and a student completes one year per grade. After completing Grade 12, a student is awarded their high school diploma, which makes them eligible to study at a college or university.

Impacts on Study Permit application

Depending on an individual’s study permit application, including family members may affect the immigration officer’s decision to approve or reject the application. Including family members on a study permit application may suggest that an individual’s primary intention is not to study in Canada, which could be grounds for the application to be refused. If an applicant is concerned about this outcome, they may apply to come to Canada independently and then later apply to bring their spouse and children to join them. If an applicant is worried about including their family members on their study permit application, they should consult with legal representation.

Can I stay in Canada after studying as an international student?

One of the great benefits of studying in Canada as an international student is that it may increase your eligibility for permanent residency or even citizenship in the future. The experience you gain studying, working, and improving your language proficiency can all contribute to your eligibility for permanent residency or citizenship.

If you choose to immigrate to Canada permanently following the completion of your studies, you will likely do so through the federal Express Entry system. The Express Entry system is designed to consolidate the three major categories of federal economic immigration and group all eligible candidates into a pool together.

Every candidate in the pool receives a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score, and the highest-ranking candidates are periodically issued invitations to apply (ITA) for permanent residence. Your CRS score is calculated differently depending on whether or not you are applying with an accompanying partner. If your partner has been living and working in Canada while you study, it’s possible that including them in your submission to Express Entry will increase your CRS score.

You can also double your chances of receiving an ITA if you and your spouse submit profiles to the Express Entry pool. Your spouse’s experience may make them eligible to submit an expression of interest to Express Entry as a principal applicant.

In addition to the Express Entry system, Canada offers several immigration programs that are specifically designed for international students. For example, the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) is a federal immigration program that allows individuals with Canadian work experience to apply for permanent residency.

If you have completed your studies in Canada and have gained Canadian work experience, you may be eligible for the CEC. This program is a popular pathway to permanent residency for international students who have completed their studies in Canada.

In conclusion, studying in Canada as an international student is a great way to gain valuable experience and improve your chances of immigrating to Canada permanently. By bringing your family with you, you can also ensure that you don’t have to be separated from your loved ones while pursuing your academic and career goals.

If you’re interested in becoming an international student in Canada, be sure to complete a free student assessment to get started on your journey today!

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